Realismi ja konstruktionismi
Maarit Alasuutari
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Realismi – Konstruktionismi (Realism – Constructivism, references:)
Berger, P. L., Luckmann, T., Raiskila, V. & Aittola, T. (1994). Todellisuuden sosiaalinen rakentuminen: Tiedonsosiologinen tutkielma. Gaudeamus. (sosiaalisen konstruktionismin klassikko ihmistieteissä)
Burr, V. (2015). Social Constructionism. Teoksessa J.D.Wright (Ed.), International Encyclopedia of the Social & Behavioral Sciences 2nd (s. 222–227). Elsevier.
Burr, V. & Dick, P. (2017). Social Constructionism. Teoksessa Gough, B. (toim.) The Palgrave Handbook of Critical Social Psychology (s. 59–80).
Julnes, G. (2015). Realism, in Applied Research. Teoksessa J.D.Wright (ed.), International Encyclopedia of the Social & Behavioral Sciences 2nd (s. 20–25). Elsevier.
What is social constructionism?
Positivism, Constructivism and Critical Realism paradigms. 2017.
Philosophy of Science | Four Major Paradigms.
Constructivism as a Philosophy of Research. Philosophy Quest.
Ken Gergen talks about Social Constructionist Ideas, Theory and Practice