English programs
- Congress
- Intro Gerontology
Island intensive
- 13th World Sport for All Congress
- 14-17 June 2010 Jyväskylä, Finland
TGEP001 Health gerontology
- Introduction lectures of the health gerontology
TGEP001 Biogerontology
- Biogerontology lectures. NOTE! One part of the lectures is available in another page: http://moniviestin.jyu.fi/sisallot/sport/en/cognitive-aging-julene-johnson/brain-aging-part-1 (pathkey: Muisti)
Julene Johnson: Music, Creativity and Aging
- Julene Johnson: Music, Creativity and Aging, 22.11.2010 klo 14-16
- Sport psychology (autumn 2015)
LTKY022 Quantitative Research Methods - Spring 2016
- Spring 2016