This folder is for English programs
Global Monitoring Report launch 2014
- UNESCO/Global Monitoring Report Launch 2014. In co-operation with the Ministry of Education and Culture and Ministry for Foreign Affairs.
EFA-seminar 8-9 November 2012
- The Faculty of Ecuation in University of Jyväskylä organizes a two-day seminar based on the EFA Global Monitoring Report 2012.
Education for All seminar 17.-18.11.2011
- International Seminar on the Education For All process – critical issues, 17-19 November 2011, University of Jyväskylä, Finland
International Workshop on Work, Learning and Welfare
- International Workshop on Work, Learning and Welfare - Changing identities and practices
JYU 2014 International Education For All Seminar
- The JYU 2014 International Education For All seminar offers theatre in education and discussions on how teaching and learning contribute to achieving quality for all. Invited speaker include representatives of the Ministry of Education of Chile, the Ministry of Education and Culture of Finland, researchers and professors.
JYU Education Research Spring Colloquium 23-24 April 2015
- JYU Education Research Spring Colloquium 23 April 2015
Education for All Seminar 22.-23.10.2015
- Local Meets Global at Ruusupuisto: Education for Cultural and Social Sustainability
Roundtable Discussion: The Value and Relevance of Political and Sociological Educational Research 14.4.2016
- Kasvatustieteiden Kollokviumin sekä Koulutussosiologian ja -politiikan maisteriohjelman paneelikeskustelu 14.4.2016.
Keynotes / Education Policy and Sociology Programme / JYU Education Research Colloquium 13.4.2016
- 13.4.2016
Changing Environments of Learning and Growth 13.4.2016
- Ruusupuisto 13.4.
- Global Education Monitoring (GEM) 2016 report: Education For People and Planet launch event in Jyvaskyla, Finland. Nihan Blanchy, GEM Reporting Team, UNESCO Headquarters, will present the report. The presentation is followed by a roundtable discussion on the key messages of the GEM 2016 report and our shared responsibilities.
- International perspectives on special education