IAEVG Conference 2009 Finland
Using Information and Communication Technology in Delivering Career Interventions
- 19.2.2014: eVOKES/ELGPN/IAEVG webinar
How Can Ethics in Guidance Respond to the Challenges Created by Information and Communication Technology?
- eVOKES/ELGPN/IAEVG webinar 17.2.2015, James P. Sampson, Jr (Docent, University of Jyvaskyla; Professor, Florida State University). In this presentation Professor Sampson examines ethical issues related to the development and use of information and communication technologies in practice. Topics presented in the Webinar include evolution of ICT in guidance, social equity issues, resource issues, services issues and professional standards.
KEHA ja eVOKES -webinaari: Tutkimustieto TNO-palvelujen järjestämisen tukena
- Tiistai 25.8.2015 klo 13:00-14:00.
“Ohjaamo” One-Stop Guidance Centers
- Developing Policy and Practice for Co-careering - National Lifelong Guidance Policy Seminar 26.11.2015 Jyväskylä.
eVOKES webinaari 27.9.2016
- Elinkäisen ohjauksen yhteiset tavoitteet ja periaatteet EU:n jäsenmaille ja komissiolle
Future trends in lifelong guidance
- (9.6.2022 klo 13.00-16.00) Seminar on Finnish and international trends in lifelong guidance. Two panel discussions with co-chairs of the Finnish National Lifelong Guidance Forum and international invited experts.