Nanoscience Center
- The first global nanotechnology business incubator work shop was held on June 6-8th in 2009 at NSC in Jyväskylä, Finland.
Nanoscience Days 2009
- Nanoscience Days 2009 is aimed at scientists from all disciplines who are interested in nanoscience and nanotechnology. The event it open and free for everybody.
- NanoTechnology Day for Companies eli Nanopäivä yrityksille -seminaari pidettiin keskiviikkona 28.10.2009 Jyväskylän yliopiston Nanoscience Centerissä.
ALD (Atomic Layer Deposition)
- Mr. Mikko Saikkonen from Beneq Oy was visiting NSC (17.12.2009) and gave a presentation about Beneq's ALD technology and its applications.
Non-invasive Gas Analyser
- A demo of the unique non-invasive method and device for quantitative multicomponent gas analyser developed at the University of Jyväskylä, Finland. The technology is available for commercialization.
Nanoscience Days 2020
- Nanoscience Days 2020 (#NSD2020) was organized as a free online conference between 6th—7th of October. The scientific program included high-profile plenary lectures, oral communications (selected from abstracts), and online poster session. The topics presented a balanced overview of emerging trends and perspectives in nanoscience and nanotechnology.