WEBVTT Kind: captions; Language: en 1 00:00:00.130 --> 00:00:07.190 Do you listen to music on your phone? Are you interested in how music influences your emotions? 2 00:00:07.190 --> 00:00:11.610 Introducing MuPsych-app that learns how you listen and provides 3 00:00:11.610 --> 00:00:15.450 personalized feedback on your listening style. 4 00:00:15.450 --> 00:00:21.050 The MuPsych-app was developed to collect data for music psychology research. 5 00:00:21.050 --> 00:00:25.410 Now we're making it available to everyone to help you understand how music 6 00:00:25.410 --> 00:00:29.160 influences your emotions in everyday life. 7 00:00:29.160 --> 00:00:35.020 We want to use music to support the emotional health of people of all ages. 8 00:00:35.020 --> 00:00:41.150 This video will introduce you to the app, including some of the benefits and how 9 00:00:41.150 --> 00:00:44.770 to use it. 10 00:00:44.770 --> 00:00:48.930 You can receive some great benefits from using the MuPsych-app. It will create a personalized listener 11 00:00:48.930 --> 00:00:53.500 profile for you with information on how you listen to music and how it influences your emotions. 12 00:00:53.500 --> 00:00:58.880 This will include a listening diary, recording each of your listening episodes, how suitable your 13 00:00:58.880 --> 00:01:04.690 music selection was and how successful you were in reaching your emotional goals. 14 00:01:04.690 --> 00:01:11.190 You will also learn your listener type and style, which you can compare with your friends. 15 00:01:11.190 --> 00:01:16.170 Once enough people have used music, we will be able to create personalized music playlists 16 00:01:16.170 --> 00:01:21.700 for you. Based on your mood, what you are doing and your reason for listening. 17 00:01:21.700 --> 00:01:30.110 Every person, who takes part will be able to use this scientific playlist creator as much as they want for free. 18 00:01:30.110 --> 00:01:33.990 You can also win subscriptions to your music streaming service. See the MuPsych 19 00:01:33.990 --> 00:01:38.690 website for our current competition details. 20 00:01:38.690 --> 00:01:43.590 If you listen to music on an Android phone, you can use Mupsych right now. 21 00:01:43.590 --> 00:01:50.700 Once you've set up the app, all you need to do is continue listening to music as usual from your preferred streaming app. 22 00:01:50.700 --> 00:01:57.650 When you start listening, MuPsych will ask some questions about your mood and your reasons for listening. 23 00:01:57.650 --> 00:02:01.010 After five minutes, we will ask some more questions about your mood, the music and 24 00:02:01.010 --> 00:02:05.350 your listening context. 25 00:02:05.350 --> 00:02:11.020 Once you complete a set of music questions you won't receive any more for a few hours. 26 00:02:11.020 --> 00:02:16.500 If they appear too often you can control between questions in the settings menu. 27 00:02:16.500 --> 00:02:21.560 If you don't receive any music questions you may have to change some settings on your phone. 28 00:02:21.560 --> 00:02:26.920 Check the help menu in the app for details, in addition to the music questions the app includes 29 00:02:26.920 --> 00:02:29.920 some surveys on your personality and musical and musical experience. 30 00:02:29.920 --> 00:02:36.720 Which will be used to create your listening profile. You can complete these at any time. 31 00:02:36.720 --> 00:02:42.640 All of the answers you provide will go towards creating your personalized feedback and playlists. 32 00:02:42.640 --> 00:02:50.480 All of your data will be encrypted and securely stored in accordance with our strict ethical policy. 33 00:02:50.480 --> 00:02:57.730 To take part go to the Google Play store and find MuPsych and download it to your phone. When you first open the app, you will be 34 00:02:57.730 --> 00:03:02.080 presented with an information statement about our research. 35 00:03:02.080 --> 00:03:05.390 Please take your time and read through. 36 00:03:05.390 --> 00:03:12.960 Select MuPsych standard for the standard version or MuPsych extra for the complete experience. 37 00:03:12.960 --> 00:03:18.170 Next, you can select which music player you use and connect this player to MuPsych. 38 00:03:18.170 --> 00:03:23.720 To complete the setup, you will need to change a few settings on your phone, including allowing notification access. 39 00:03:23.720 --> 00:03:29.700 All instructions will be given in the app. 40 00:03:29.700 --> 00:03:36.000 Once you have set this up you simply need to continue your usual music listening in your regular music player. 41 00:03:36.000 --> 00:03:39.050 You can start with the surveys from the 42 00:03:39.050 --> 00:03:43.380 survey menu and the music questions will start whenever you next listen to music. 43 00:03:43.380 --> 00:03:47.700 Thanks for watching this video and we hope you enjoy using the MuPsych-app to 44 00:03:47.700 --> 00:03:50.900 understand how music influences your emotions in everyday life.