WEBVTT Kind: captions; Language: fi 1 00:00:00.000 --> 00:00:06.130 The aim of this video is to introduce you to what we call a video project. 2 00:00:06.130 --> 00:00:11.460 While the first study unit invited you to look into the past 3 00:00:11.460 --> 00:00:17.020 for enhancing your understanding of international business, the second unit takes other 4 00:00:17.020 --> 00:00:22.350 theory-driven perspective. It teaches you how to use theory 5 00:00:22.350 --> 00:00:27.300 for informing and solving practical problems. 6 00:00:27.300 --> 00:00:32.720 The guiding code of this unit is Lewin’s famous statement 7 00:00:32.720 --> 00:00:36.880 “There is nothing so practical as a good theory.” 8 00:00:36.880 --> 00:00:42.080 What does he mean, well are good theory according to him is 9 00:00:42.080 --> 00:00:47.550 not only practical for folks of the ivory tower, you know the academics 10 00:00:47.550 --> 00:00:52.150 but for practitioners too. Namely you can think of the theory 11 00:00:52.150 --> 00:00:57.000 as lens that helps to make sense of the very processes, 12 00:00:57.000 --> 00:01:02.030 activities and practices that make up international business. In this 13 00:01:02.030 --> 00:01:07.130 unit you will learn what that actually means. The topics 14 00:01:07.130 --> 00:01:12.240 or the practical problems we'll explore include the following list that you see 15 00:01:12.240 --> 00:01:17.570 here. Yet I must warn you that this list might be subject 16 00:01:17.570 --> 00:01:22.480 to change. However, in a nutshell we definitely look into 17 00:01:22.480 --> 00:01:27.040 strategic issues and the process of organizing global value 18 00:01:27.040 --> 00:01:32.170 chain and problems of cross-border management 19 00:01:32.170 --> 00:01:37.270 in relation to the flow of knowledge across the border. 20 00:01:37.270 --> 00:01:42.560 Then the remaining topics zooms into the interplay between 21 00:01:42.560 --> 00:01:47.540 business and society, and looking at that from three different perspectives, 22 00:01:47.540 --> 00:01:51.950 including an ethical one. 23 00:01:51.950 --> 00:01:56.790 Then when we look at the timeline, 24 00:01:56.790 --> 00:02:01.330 this unit is a rather short one. So it will 25 00:02:01.330 --> 00:02:05.740 unfold over two weeks and of course we will 26 00:02:05.740 --> 00:02:10.020 follow the blue trajectory here. 27 00:02:10.020 --> 00:02:15.320 So what’s the video project actually, the main coursework 28 00:02:15.320 --> 00:02:20.090 assignment? So as the name indicates 29 00:02:20.090 --> 00:02:26.000 the main output that you will deliver is at 15-minute video 30 00:02:26.000 --> 00:02:30.090 on an influential IB theory. 31 00:02:30.090 --> 00:02:35.210 This video will be a collaborative project that 32 00:02:35.210 --> 00:02:39.470 you will do in your studygroup. 33 00:02:39.470 --> 00:02:44.670 Altogether we will have a number of videos that then 34 00:02:44.670 --> 00:02:49.980 serves as a study resource for the rest of the class too. 35 00:02:49.980 --> 00:02:54.640 So building on to the study material that we collectively 36 00:02:54.640 --> 00:02:59.770 created, there'll be a second output 37 00:02:59.770 --> 00:03:05.600 in which you will assess and reflect on the videos. 38 00:03:05.600 --> 00:03:09.690 But here again as reminder the video project 39 00:03:09.690 --> 00:03:15.320 is intended that you learn and research theoretical perspectives, 40 00:03:15.320 --> 00:03:20.160 so, you basically learn how theory can elucidate practical problems 41 00:03:20.160 --> 00:03:25.050 and provide insights into solving those. And on a more general level 42 00:03:25.050 --> 00:03:29.830 of course this project will help you improve your analytical thinking skills 43 00:03:29.830 --> 00:03:36.630 that will prove useful in any professional settings. 44 00:03:36.630 --> 00:03:41.720 This slide here shows you the workflow of the first output, the 45 00:03:41.720 --> 00:03:47.360 video. So first of all you will read the article 46 00:03:47.360 --> 00:03:52.280 that will be assigned to your group and you will work on and 47 00:03:52.280 --> 00:03:57.240 submit your preparatory assignment number three. 48 00:03:57.240 --> 00:04:02.350 Then in the associated seminar three we will 49 00:04:02.350 --> 00:04:07.460 discuss the article within your study group and prepare you for 50 00:04:07.460 --> 00:04:12.200 producing the video. At the end of the week then the workflow 51 00:04:12.200 --> 00:04:17.270 will conclude with your group submitting the video. 52 00:04:17.270 --> 00:04:22.380 For developing the video you can think of answering a couple 53 00:04:22.380 --> 00:04:27.570 of questions and I’m not reading those questions out loud 54 00:04:27.570 --> 00:04:32.380 here, you can and read them by yourself in your 55 00:04:32.380 --> 00:04:37.470 own pace. However it is important to know that it is mainly 56 00:04:37.470 --> 00:04:42.630 about three important things. So first of all, you need 57 00:04:42.630 --> 00:04:47.320 to think about what kind of practical problem is 58 00:04:47.320 --> 00:04:53.250 the theory trying to clarify. Then secondly 59 00:04:53.250 --> 00:04:57.440 it is about understanding on the core rational, 60 00:04:57.440 --> 00:05:02.610 core theoretical rational of the article and how it is positioned 61 00:05:02.610 --> 00:05:07.340 in academic discourse. Finally, it’s 62 00:05:07.340 --> 00:05:12.120 also important that you then reflect on the 63 00:05:12.120 --> 00:05:17.770 theory and create an understanding of how the theory informs 64 00:05:17.770 --> 00:05:21.890 practical problems and how it can provide insights into solving those. 65 00:05:21.890 --> 00:05:26.740 I can already announce here 66 00:05:26.740 --> 00:05:31.190 that there will be another video that helps you to address 67 00:05:31.190 --> 00:05:36.250 those questions in more detail. So there will be a step-by-step 68 00:05:36.250 --> 00:05:41.260 instruction for 69 00:05:41.260 --> 00:05:45.980 working on those…working on those and addressing 70 00:05:45.980 --> 00:05:50.100 those questions that are on this slide. 71 00:05:50.100 --> 00:05:55.660 Then here you see the recommended structure of the video. It follows 72 00:05:55.660 --> 00:06:00.800 more or less the logic that I just presented before. 73 00:06:00.800 --> 00:06:06.040 On this slide you see the requirements, most importantly we 74 00:06:06.040 --> 00:06:11.220 want you to limit yourself to 15 minutes. Also you should use 75 00:06:11.220 --> 00:06:16.320 proper referencing and it would be great if you'd narrated the PowerPoint 76 00:06:16.320 --> 00:06:21.720 slides in similar way as I do. So for example put your 77 00:06:21.720 --> 00:06:26.800 face in the video because I think that creates 78 00:06:26.800 --> 00:06:31.520 more dynamics for the viewers. 79 00:06:31.520 --> 00:06:37.020 For video production and uploading the video I have more details 80 00:06:37.020 --> 00:06:41.700 on Moodle and I think you 81 00:06:41.700 --> 00:06:46.830 can just follow the instructions that you see there. So I am not 82 00:06:46.830 --> 00:06:51.630 going to repeat those boring details here. 83 00:06:51.630 --> 00:06:56.940 Then after all those boring aspects of the assignments and tasks 84 00:06:56.940 --> 00:07:02.090 let's move on to the second output consisting of 85 00:07:02.090 --> 00:07:07.000 your self-assessment and reflection. Here you see again 86 00:07:07.000 --> 00:07:11.780 the workflow of the second output. The 87 00:07:11.780 --> 00:07:16.750 starting point is as I already mentioned, the starting point will 88 00:07:16.750 --> 00:07:21.750 be the pool of videos that we collectively created. Then your 89 00:07:21.750 --> 00:07:27.130 first task will be to review two of those. The preparatory 90 00:07:27.130 --> 00:07:32.040 assignment number four will provide detailed instructions 91 00:07:32.040 --> 00:07:36.740 in this regard. Based on those videos and based on those reviews 92 00:07:36.740 --> 00:07:41.650 and of course we will have again a couple of 93 00:07:41.650 --> 00:07:47.170 small group seminars. The idea of those seminars is to have 94 00:07:47.170 --> 00:07:52.570 a Q&A session with on the one hand the producers of the videos and 95 00:07:52.570 --> 00:07:57.810 and on the other hand the reviewers of the videos. 96 00:07:57.810 --> 00:08:03.480 After the seminar we then ask you to briefly self-assess yourself 97 00:08:03.480 --> 00:08:08.400 and reflect on the discussions we had. 98 00:08:08.400 --> 00:08:13.720 On this slide you see the task of the preparatory 99 00:08:13.720 --> 00:08:18.310 assignment number three, the peer review. 100 00:08:18.310 --> 00:08:23.280 I’m not going to read out this slide, I just wish to 101 00:08:23.280 --> 00:08:28.220 highlight we think that the second point is the most important one. 102 00:08:28.220 --> 00:08:34.020 So state any issues that you wish the experts to clarify further 103 00:08:34.020 --> 00:08:39.050 and also think about what do you think is the most controversial 104 00:08:39.050 --> 00:08:43.950 or interesting aspect of the video and we could 105 00:08:43.950 --> 00:08:48.970 then have a discussion about that in class. 106 00:08:48.970 --> 00:08:54.620 Then as I mentioned after the seminar you will do 107 00:08:54.620 --> 00:09:00.440 self-assessment and reflection task. Self-assessment includes 108 00:09:00.440 --> 00:09:05.890 two main questions, what did you do well in the assignment and 109 00:09:05.890 --> 00:09:11.090 what would you have needed to have done even better job. 110 00:09:11.090 --> 00:09:16.260 The reflection part then asks you to think about what you learned 111 00:09:16.260 --> 00:09:21.390 that could help you in your future professional life. 112 00:09:21.390 --> 00:09:28.120 Last but not least, one note on assessment and grading. 113 00:09:28.120 --> 00:09:32.450 We again use the assessment criteria and scale of the 114 00:09:32.450 --> 00:09:38.160 master thesis. This slide here you will see again, or 115 00:09:38.160 --> 00:09:43.130 you see again the relationship between thesis criteria 116 00:09:43.130 --> 00:09:47.540 and this projects focus. That’s it for the moment.