WEBVTT Kind: captions; Language: fi 1 00:00:00.000 --> 00:00:05.350 Dear seminar guests 2 00:00:05.350 --> 00:00:10.890 It is my great pleasure to welcome 3 00:00:10.890 --> 00:00:15.900 you all to Jyväskylä actually my two different roles 4 00:00:15.900 --> 00:00:20.590 firstly as a president of the rector's counsel in Finnish Universities UNIFI 5 00:00:20.590 --> 00:00:24.830 I am very delighted with universities' joint work 6 00:00:24.830 --> 00:00:28.450 on defining our sustainability goals 7 00:00:28.450 --> 00:00:35.800 These were realized in form of theses on sustainable development and responsibility 8 00:00:35.800 --> 00:00:40.750 it is extremely important that the declaration was not the end point 9 00:00:40.750 --> 00:00:45.620 of the join work but the work is continuing with great ambition 10 00:00:45.620 --> 00:00:50.830 to put these theses into action. This unifi seminar today 11 00:00:50.830 --> 00:00:55.340 is one of the prime examples of these activities. 12 00:00:55.340 --> 00:01:00.970 Secondly as a rector of University of Jyväskylä I am extremely proud of our 13 00:01:00.970 --> 00:01:06.270 community and its pioneering and dedicated work on planetary well-being 14 00:01:06.270 --> 00:01:12.030 Our school of resource wisdom has managed to bring together individuals from all our faculties 15 00:01:12.030 --> 00:01:16.950 and to build a bottom up university-wide multi-disciplinary network 16 00:01:16.950 --> 00:01:22.350 it is our first impact platform and as a pioneer is showing the way 17 00:01:22.350 --> 00:01:27.920 for others. JYU.Wisdom is also manifesting the slogan 18 00:01:27.920 --> 00:01:32.840 think globally act locally in a very healthy way 19 00:01:32.840 --> 00:01:38.310 besides addressing global and national challenges and looking solution for them 20 00:01:38.310 --> 00:01:43.760 it is also challenging our own community and rector and each individual 21 00:01:43.760 --> 00:01:49.040 to do our small but important role as a trail placer 22 00:01:49.040 --> 00:01:54.340 The university of Jyväskylä is committed to promoting the principles, 23 00:01:54.340 --> 00:01:59.050 goals and forms of action defined by UNIFI's theses 24 00:01:59.050 --> 00:02:03.320 on sustainable development and responsibility which are also shared by 25 00:02:03.320 --> 00:02:07.880 our national union of university students in Finland 26 00:02:07.880 --> 00:02:12.660 it is important that students have been taking an active role 27 00:02:12.660 --> 00:02:17.270 in require to societal change affecting their future 28 00:02:17.270 --> 00:02:24.690 principles make sustainable development an integral part of our campus and our core activities 29 00:02:24.690 --> 00:02:29.660 education, research and societal interaction 30 00:02:29.660 --> 00:02:34.450 the UNIFI's 12 theses are based on the UN's sustainable development goals 31 00:02:34.450 --> 00:02:40.280 the Finnish society's commitment on sustainability, the convention on biological diversity 32 00:02:40.280 --> 00:02:43.900 and the Paris climate accords 33 00:02:43.900 --> 00:02:49.820 the vision is that in 2030 Finnish universities' work on responsibility 34 00:02:49.820 --> 00:02:55.200 and sustainable development has been integrated in all our activities 35 00:02:55.200 --> 00:02:58.560 carbon neutrality has been achieved and universities 36 00:02:58.560 --> 00:03:03.210 act as a trail placers of sustainable development and responsibility in 37 00:03:03.210 --> 00:03:08.260 Finland and across the world. Universities 38 00:03:08.260 --> 00:03:13.150 are doing profound research trying to understand what has happened in the past 39 00:03:13.150 --> 00:03:18.520 and why and where we are going with the present paste 40 00:03:18.520 --> 00:03:22.340 critical thinking is built in our heritage 41 00:03:22.340 --> 00:03:27.770 however the academics have started increasingly also to produced effective 42 00:03:27.770 --> 00:03:32.780 solutions in cooperation with the society and their partners 43 00:03:32.780 --> 00:03:37.840 this work has faster and more effective impact 44 00:03:37.840 --> 00:03:42.870 impact driven research should not put in contradiction with basic research 45 00:03:42.870 --> 00:03:47.310 as long as the different time scales for impact are understood they can 46 00:03:47.310 --> 00:03:51.790 support each others in very healthy ways 47 00:03:51.790 --> 00:03:56.960 sustainable development is a cross cutting theme in all the strategies of 48 00:03:56.960 --> 00:04:01.990 Finnish universities. The perspectives of sustainable development and responsibility 49 00:04:01.990 --> 00:04:08.040 have been integrated into the teaching content and the objectives for research impact 50 00:04:08.040 --> 00:04:12.500 measures and indicators have been defined for their promotion and sufficient resources 51 00:04:12.500 --> 00:04:17.450 have been allocated for this work. In a global society decision 52 00:04:17.450 --> 00:04:22.270 making is based on the best possible open science 53 00:04:22.270 --> 00:04:27.510 Sustainability and responsibility are important cross-cutting themes also in 54 00:04:27.510 --> 00:04:32.680 Jyväskylä's strategy and in development programme in many ways. We have established a 55 00:04:32.680 --> 00:04:37.660 new development group called sustainable and responsible JYU 56 00:04:37.660 --> 00:04:42.690 The group is piloting an action model for evaluating, developing and reporting 57 00:04:42.690 --> 00:04:48.260 on the sustainability and responsibility of our university with encompasses economic 58 00:04:48.260 --> 00:04:52.800 social, cultural, and ecological responsibility 59 00:04:52.800 --> 00:04:57.180 Our unique Wisdom community will be a crucial player to bring 60 00:04:57.180 --> 00:05:01.520 a research based solution for our own contribution 61 00:05:01.520 --> 00:05:08.190 majority of the knowledge is transferred from the university by our students 62 00:05:08.190 --> 00:05:11.980 therefore it is of uppermost importance to build the values of sustainability 63 00:05:11.980 --> 00:05:17.090 and responsibility into the genes of the future generations 64 00:05:17.090 --> 00:05:22.950 the university of Jyväskylä plays a major role in teachers education in Finland and is also one of 65 00:05:22.950 --> 00:05:28.970 the world leader of educational sciences. Educating future teachers for sustainable 66 00:05:28.970 --> 00:05:34.410 society carries therefore a huge impact over generations 67 00:05:34.410 --> 00:05:39.130 but at university we are also promoting sustainability also in everyday life 68 00:05:39.130 --> 00:05:43.430 we have a WWF green office certificate and follow the fair trade 69 00:05:43.430 --> 00:05:47.220 operation in our campus restaurants 70 00:05:47.220 --> 00:05:52.080 it is also important to engage business world and markets with 71 00:05:52.080 --> 00:05:56.970 our sustainability goals. The responsible business is one of the strings 72 00:05:56.970 --> 00:06:01.740 and focal areas of the Jyväskylä university business school and economics 73 00:06:01.740 --> 00:06:06.410 which is accredited actor in the field of responsibility 74 00:06:06.410 --> 00:06:10.900 we are also very proud of our recent start up companies like WeeeFINer 75 00:06:10.900 --> 00:06:15.130 promoting circular economy in an innovative way 76 00:06:15.130 --> 00:06:20.740 open science offer a fair platform to promote our common goals. The unique 77 00:06:20.740 --> 00:06:25.760 open science center makes our university's academic cultural heritage, science 78 00:06:25.760 --> 00:06:30.820 and research accessible to public. The center works actively on science 79 00:06:30.820 --> 00:06:36.260 and environmental education and other issues. The open university also 80 00:06:36.260 --> 00:06:41.460 offers multi-disciplinary studies on the environment, equal and responsibility 81 00:06:41.460 --> 00:06:46.480 as well as free open courses on planetary well-being 82 00:06:46.480 --> 00:06:51.430 universities play a key role in combating and solving climate change 83 00:06:51.430 --> 00:06:55.110 and other crises creating the required expertise 84 00:06:55.110 --> 00:06:59.090 and fostering a safe and stable society 85 00:06:59.090 --> 00:07:05.490 The large scale and urgency of the global challenges ahead of us emphasize the importance of cooperation 86 00:07:05.490 --> 00:07:11.520 what is required is a shared mind set and national and international cooperation 87 00:07:11.520 --> 00:07:17.530 with these words I would like to wish you the most successful seminar day 88 00:07:17.530 --> 00:07:22.180 and face to face time with each other. Let innovation 89 00:07:22.180 --> 00:07:26.700 flourish today. Thank you very much. 90 00:07:26.700 --> 00:07:28.900 91 00:07:28.900 --> 00:07:32.160