WEBVTT Kind: captions; Language: en 1 00:00:00.700 --> 00:00:03.708 [♫ theme music playing ♫] 2 00:00:19.410 --> 00:00:22.375 In this video, we take a look at pedagogical planning, 3 00:00:22.375 --> 00:00:28.630 study group formation, and the activities of groups of children, as well as reflect on 4 00:00:28.630 --> 00:00:33.430 how we can support the role of children as active learners. 5 00:00:33.430 --> 00:00:39.790 The guiding principle is that pedagogical goals adapted to everyday life support the goal of 6 00:00:39.790 --> 00:00:45.950 delivering high quality early education, which is based on a wide range of pedagogical knowledge 7 00:00:45.950 --> 00:00:51.600 and methodology, as well as cross disciplinary theory and research. 8 00:00:51.600 --> 00:00:58.360 The structure and sizes of child groups are determined with the children's best interest and 9 00:00:58.360 --> 00:01:02.048 well-being, as well as the promotion of learning as the primary guidelines. 10 00:01:02.048 --> 00:01:10.370 [♫ music ♫] 11 00:01:10.370 --> 00:01:16.710 Finnish play-based and child-centred pedagogy has been strongly influenced by well-known western 12 00:01:16.710 --> 00:01:25.125 education philosophers, theorists and pedagogs, such as Jean-Jacques Rousseau, Maria Montessori, 13 00:01:25.125 --> 00:01:33.708 Celestin Freinet, Loris Malaguzzi, John Dewey, Johann Heinrich Pestalozzi, 14 00:01:33.708 --> 00:01:41.220 Jean Piaget, Lev Vygotsky, and especially Friedrich Froebel. 15 00:01:41.220 --> 00:01:45.380 Today's Finnish early education, where children are active agents 16 00:01:45.380 --> 00:01:48.720 in their own learning, is multidisciplinary. 17 00:01:48.720 --> 00:01:54.600 Guided by research from, for example, the field of social sciences and especially 18 00:01:54.600 --> 00:02:01.220 sociology, health sciences, psychology, communication studies, information 19 00:02:01.220 --> 00:02:05.400 technology, and recent research on leadership. 20 00:02:05.400 --> 00:02:08.930 Research continuously provides educational knowledge 21 00:02:08.930 --> 00:02:12.330 and new evidence in the field of ECEC. 22 00:02:12.330 --> 00:02:19.420 Research based pre- and in-service teacher education influences ECEC teachers' professional 23 00:02:19.420 --> 00:02:25.500 awareness and competence as well as strengthens pedagogical practises. 24 00:02:25.500 --> 00:02:29.700 Today, all daily situations are seen to be relevant 25 00:02:29.700 --> 00:02:32.320 to growth, learning and well-being. 26 00:02:32.320 --> 00:02:37.440 Hence, a holistic and integrative approach guides the pedagogy. 27 00:02:37.440 --> 00:02:42.930 This framework for pedagogical activities in early education is defined in the 28 00:02:42.930 --> 00:02:46.826 national core curriculum for ECEC and pre-primary education. 29 00:02:46.826 --> 00:02:54.604 [♫ music ♫] 30 00:02:54.722 --> 00:02:57.167 (Narrator:) Pedagogical activities in early education 31 00:02:57.167 --> 00:03:02.089 are guided by the objectives of transversal competence 32 00:03:02.090 --> 00:03:09.190 support for learning processes, which include thinking and learning, cultural competence, 33 00:03:09.190 --> 00:03:16.640 interaction, and self-expression, taking care of oneself and managing daily life, 34 00:03:16.640 --> 00:03:19.500 multi-literacy and competence in information 35 00:03:19.500 --> 00:03:24.989 and communication technology, participation and involvement. 36 00:03:24.990 --> 00:03:30.570 Transversal competencies can be seen as key areas of lifelong learning. 37 00:03:30.570 --> 00:03:35.208 These are supported through integrative pedagogical activities that form 38 00:03:35.208 --> 00:03:41.520 multidisciplinary modules for learning versatile skills simultaneously. 39 00:03:41.520 --> 00:03:46.680 Rather than being approached as separate entities, the themes of different learning areas 40 00:03:46.680 --> 00:03:53.390 are combined and applied according to children's interests and competencies. 41 00:03:53.390 --> 00:03:57.870 Children's interests and questions serve as a key basis for 42 00:03:57.870 --> 00:04:01.350 planning and implementing the activities. 43 00:04:01.350 --> 00:04:07.070 This entity of competencies consisting of knowledge, skills, values, attitudes 44 00:04:07.070 --> 00:04:12.360 and will are considered to be developmental preconditions for full membership 45 00:04:12.360 --> 00:04:17.550 of society and lifelong learning and sustainability. 46 00:04:17.550 --> 00:04:21.950 The development of transversal competence promotes children growth as 47 00:04:21.950 --> 00:04:27.420 individuals and as members of their community and society. 48 00:04:27.420 --> 00:04:32.920 The uniform underlying values and the conception of the child learning, and the goals of 49 00:04:32.920 --> 00:04:39.220 transversal competencies in the Finnish pedagogical and education system safeguard learning 50 00:04:39.220 --> 00:04:45.000 path that progresses systematically from the child's point of view. 51 00:04:45.000 --> 00:04:50.740 In this way, transversal competencies become an important part of curricula 52 00:04:50.740 --> 00:04:55.680 in different levels of the Finnish education system, but the content varies 53 00:04:55.680 --> 00:04:59.640 according to children age and development. 54 00:04:59.640 --> 00:05:04.940 The aim is to ensure a logically progressing educational entity and a smooth 55 00:05:04.940 --> 00:05:09.151 transition for the child from early education to basic education. 56 00:05:09.151 --> 00:05:19.290 [♫ music ♫] 57 00:05:19.290 --> 00:05:23.230 So how does the curriculum guide the work of the teacher? 58 00:05:23.230 --> 00:05:28.290 Clear and concrete policies that are jointly agreed upon and a communal working 59 00:05:28.290 --> 00:05:33.400 culture will help to achieve the goals set by the curriculum. 60 00:05:33.400 --> 00:05:37.040 As the figure shows, the pedagogical guidance of a teachers 61 00:05:37.040 --> 00:05:40.540 work starts at the level of laws. 62 00:05:40.540 --> 00:05:44.780 However, goal-oriented activities in line with the curriculum in 63 00:05:44.780 --> 00:05:50.700 an ECEC centre cannot be carried out without pedagogical planning, 64 00:05:50.700 --> 00:05:55.990 documentation, evaluation and development. 65 00:05:55.990 --> 00:06:01.430 Curriculum preparation at the local level and the level of actual pedagogical activities 66 00:06:01.430 --> 00:06:07.685 with children in early education is part of the pedagogical development of ECEC and 67 00:06:07.685 --> 00:06:14.240 pre-primary education, which is influenced by legislation and steering by information 68 00:06:14.240 --> 00:06:19.390 as well as broader views of education and instruction. 69 00:06:19.390 --> 00:06:24.010 (Pia:) Pedagogical planning, practical implementation and evaluation 70 00:06:24.010 --> 00:06:26.810 are based on a local curriculum. 71 00:06:26.810 --> 00:06:32.690 The local curriculum is however further localised by each ECEC centre 72 00:06:32.690 --> 00:06:37.630 and multi professional team in order to promote the uniqueness and 73 00:06:37.630 --> 00:06:42.000 richness of each centre and child group. 74 00:06:42.000 --> 00:06:48.160 Although localization is handled by all ECEC personnel, the main responsibility 75 00:06:48.160 --> 00:06:53.420 for pedagogical work remains with ECEC teachers. 76 00:06:53.420 --> 00:06:58.020 (Narrator:) At these levels, curriculum work includes translating the national level 77 00:06:58.020 --> 00:07:04.040 curriculum into practise, the structuring of education and instruction work in pedagogical 78 00:07:04.040 --> 00:07:09.210 terms and the systematic documentation of this work. 79 00:07:09.210 --> 00:07:15.500 It thus constitutes a strong link in the national quality management work. 80 00:07:15.500 --> 00:07:20.070 At the local and unit level the guarantees of successful curriculum 81 00:07:20.070 --> 00:07:25.930 work are leadership, commitment of personnel, and the participation 82 00:07:25.930 --> 00:07:28.400 of children, guardians, and other partners. 83 00:07:28.400 --> 00:07:37.670 [♫ music ♫] 84 00:07:37.670 --> 00:07:42.910 (Narrator:) Curriculum preparation at all levels should be seen as a continuous and 85 00:07:42.910 --> 00:07:48.010 reciprocal process, in which the community strives to constantly develop 86 00:07:48.010 --> 00:07:56.710 the curriculum through shared discussions and reflection and at the same time its' entire working culture. 87 00:07:56.710 --> 00:08:03.850 In Finnish ECEC, an individual ECEC plan is drawn up for each child. 88 00:08:03.850 --> 00:08:09.320 It's prepared in cooperation with the ECEC teacher, the guardians and 89 00:08:09.320 --> 00:08:13.630 the child through discussion and then written down. 90 00:08:13.630 --> 00:08:19.090 The child's individual ECEC plan is an opportunity to make each 91 00:08:19.090 --> 00:08:23.820 child strengths and individual needs visible. 92 00:08:23.820 --> 00:08:30.140 Principles and goals for pedagogical work are agreed together with guardians. 93 00:08:30.140 --> 00:08:34.600 [children voices] The child's individual ECEC plan is a pedagogical 94 00:08:34.600 --> 00:08:39.400 plan for how the child will be taken into account as an individual in daily 95 00:08:39.400 --> 00:08:44.340 activities and then implemented in everyday life. 96 00:08:44.340 --> 00:08:50.640 Individual forms of pedagogical support are also integrated into daily life. 97 00:08:50.640 --> 00:08:55.960 For example, pictograms are used to illustrate activities and daily routines throughout 98 00:08:55.960 --> 00:09:02.290 the day, which gives children visual cues about what will happen next. 99 00:09:02.290 --> 00:09:06.130 The daily schedule can be built together with the children in the morning. 100 00:09:06.130 --> 00:09:08.830 So, children can also practise their communication 101 00:09:08.830 --> 00:09:12.860 skills and prepare for the day ahead. 102 00:09:12.860 --> 00:09:18.840 The purpose of an individual ECEC plan is to set goals for pedagogical 103 00:09:18.840 --> 00:09:25.600 work, not for the child, and it is evaluated commonly once a year. 104 00:09:25.600 --> 00:09:30.760 In Finland, the children's involvement in the planning and evaluation 105 00:09:30.760 --> 00:09:35.780 of their individual early childhood is strongly highlighted in the 106 00:09:35.780 --> 00:09:39.730 act of early childhood education and care. 107 00:09:39.730 --> 00:09:44.110 The evaluation of pedagogical work together with children can be 108 00:09:44.110 --> 00:09:50.430 made by, for example, discussing, reflecting, on, and remembering 109 00:09:50.430 --> 00:09:55.270 the activities using pedagogical documentation. 110 00:09:55.270 --> 00:10:01.210 Positive interaction and positive reinforcement are important. 111 00:10:01.210 --> 00:10:07.470 (Narrator:) Preparing a child individual ECEC plan as part of the curriculum process 112 00:10:07.470 --> 00:10:13.910 makes visible those pedagogical processes and practises, by which each child's individual 113 00:10:13.910 --> 00:10:18.350 growth, development and learning are supported. 114 00:10:18.350 --> 00:10:24.620 The preparation of a ECEC plan comprises pedagogical documentation which 115 00:10:24.620 --> 00:10:30.040 has direct links to pedagogical work, children learning, development, and 116 00:10:30.040 --> 00:10:33.070 participation, as well as cooperation with guardians. 117 00:10:33.070 --> 00:10:42.130 [♫ music ♫] 118 00:10:42.130 --> 00:10:47.050 Successful pedagogical planning covers three important issues. 119 00:10:47.050 --> 00:10:53.090 It comprises both the process how something is done and the content 120 00:10:53.090 --> 00:10:56.770 of pedagogical activities: - What is done? 121 00:10:56.770 --> 00:11:00.230 The most important question for pedagogical planning, 122 00:11:00.230 --> 00:11:04.060 however, is: - Why something is done? 123 00:11:04.060 --> 00:11:07.360 (Narrator:) Curriculum implementation in practise is a combination 124 00:11:07.360 --> 00:11:12.776 of the needs and wishes of a group of children and the ECEC personnel's 125 00:11:12.776 --> 00:11:15.880 goal-oriented learning guidance. 126 00:11:15.880 --> 00:11:20.420 Children's learning, growth and well-being are the priority, and the mission 127 00:11:20.420 --> 00:11:25.060 of early education is to support this in all respects. 128 00:11:25.060 --> 00:11:30.440 Children's participation is essential, as children's voices need to be heard to 129 00:11:30.440 --> 00:11:35.230 catch their interest and increase their engagement and motivation. 130 00:11:35.230 --> 00:11:39.550 Participation and dialogue in pedagogy also creates space 131 00:11:39.550 --> 00:11:42.960 for negotiation and creative reflection. 132 00:11:42.960 --> 00:11:48.000 Thus, educational practises supporting children participation 133 00:11:48.000 --> 00:11:52.190 are at the heart of Finnish early education. 134 00:11:52.190 --> 00:11:58.000 The child-initiated aspect emphasises children's natural curiosity and 135 00:11:58.000 --> 00:12:03.510 desire for learning, which in turn encourages them to develop themselves 136 00:12:03.510 --> 00:12:07.760 and see themselves as actors in their own learning. 137 00:12:07.760 --> 00:12:12.420 The goals defined in the curricula and the obligation to take into consideration 138 00:12:12.420 --> 00:12:19.624 the child's best interests and needs in the planning and implementation of ECEC and 139 00:12:19.624 --> 00:12:25.120 pre-primary education are the foundation for all activities. 140 00:12:25.120 --> 00:12:32.680 The learning areas, specifying goals for learning in ECEC and pre-primary education are as 141 00:12:32.680 --> 00:12:41.010 follows: rich world of languages; diverse forms of expression; me and our 142 00:12:41.010 --> 00:12:50.167 community; exploring and interacting with my environment; I grow, move and develop. 143 00:12:51.470 --> 00:12:58.490 All areas define broad objectives and instructions on how ECEC personnel should guide 144 00:12:58.490 --> 00:13:04.360 and support children developing skills and their learning of new skills. 145 00:13:04.360 --> 00:13:09.200 However, the areas do not include ready-made lesson plans or a set programme 146 00:13:09.200 --> 00:13:14.700 to be followed, but the implementation of curriculum and selection of pedagogical 147 00:13:14.700 --> 00:13:21.330 activities vary between ECEC centres and child groups. 148 00:13:21.330 --> 00:13:26.170 This is because the curriculum obligates that the programme needs to be drawn up 149 00:13:26.170 --> 00:13:31.670 based on children's needs and interests, general learning objectives set by the 150 00:13:31.670 --> 00:13:37.980 curriculum, as well as the enhancement of transversal competencies, and the facilities 151 00:13:37.980 --> 00:13:44.780 available nearby the ECEC centre, while planning pedagogical activities to meet 152 00:13:44.780 --> 00:13:49.020 the needs of the children in each group. 153 00:13:49.020 --> 00:13:54.470 Rather than ensuring that children learn precisely define portions of information, 154 00:13:54.470 --> 00:13:59.610 the purpose of education and instruction is to comprehensively support the development 155 00:13:59.610 --> 00:14:05.230 of their understanding and thinking and provide them with concrete skills for 156 00:14:05.230 --> 00:14:09.030 acting in a diversifying society. 157 00:14:09.030 --> 00:14:14.080 It is commonly understood that children develop and learn in a holistic way. 158 00:14:14.080 --> 00:14:18.680 In practise, it means that integrating academic and non-academic learning 159 00:14:18.680 --> 00:14:23.292 areas is central in the implementation of pedagogical activities 160 00:14:23.292 --> 00:14:28.660 in Finnish ECEC and pre-primary education. 161 00:14:28.660 --> 00:14:35.130 Learning experiences are usually integrated around wider topics covering many areas 162 00:14:35.130 --> 00:14:41.680 that are related to children experiences and sphere of life, as well as to content 163 00:14:41.680 --> 00:14:46.060 that expand and structure children's views of the world. 164 00:14:46.060 --> 00:14:50.200 As children make meaningful connections between the things they already 165 00:14:50.200 --> 00:14:55.860 know, and the new information they gain, they create patterns which 166 00:14:55.860 --> 00:14:59.670 help them to understand the surrounding world. 167 00:14:59.670 --> 00:15:03.630 In addition, children's skills are strengthened in versatile 168 00:15:03.630 --> 00:15:06.940 ways while they participate in activities. 169 00:15:06.940 --> 00:15:11.650 When children learn, for instance, mathematics through body movements 170 00:15:11.650 --> 00:15:17.870 and exercise, different brain areas work simultaneously, which enhances 171 00:15:17.870 --> 00:15:21.820 learning of motor and mathematical skills. 172 00:15:21.820 --> 00:15:27.240 As an example, depth perception strengthens three body movements, 173 00:15:27.240 --> 00:15:31.520 and this promotes learning spatial relations. 174 00:15:31.520 --> 00:15:38.000 In addition, holistic and integrative learning promotes motivation and is a foundation 175 00:15:38.000 --> 00:15:43.560 for joyful, experiential and exploratory active learning. 176 00:15:43.560 --> 00:15:48.330 (Narrator:) ECEC teachers have the pedagogical responsibility for planning 177 00:15:48.330 --> 00:15:52.970 and implementing goal-oriented learning activities, that systematically 178 00:15:52.970 --> 00:15:56.270 promote children's development and learning. 179 00:15:56.270 --> 00:16:01.670 In addition, based on their observations and ongoing evaluation, they develop 180 00:16:01.670 --> 00:16:06.390 pedagogical practises and activities on a regular basis. 181 00:16:06.390 --> 00:16:10.950 Early education becomes a combination of goal-oriented and systematic 182 00:16:10.950 --> 00:16:15.610 activities that support children development and learning. 183 00:16:15.610 --> 00:16:20.710 These activities are then evaluated and developed on a regular basis. 184 00:16:20.710 --> 00:16:24.710 Children wish to learn new things and also to revise 185 00:16:24.710 --> 00:16:27.610 and repeat what they have learned. 186 00:16:27.610 --> 00:16:34.390 In ECEC and pre-primary education children's previous experiences, as well as their 187 00:16:34.390 --> 00:16:39.470 interests and competencies are the starting point for learning. 188 00:16:39.470 --> 00:16:45.270 In Finnish early education children are engaged in the planning, implementation 189 00:16:45.270 --> 00:16:52.230 and evaluation of the activities together with their peers and ECEC personnel 190 00:16:52.230 --> 00:16:55.230 and according to their abilities. 191 00:16:55.230 --> 00:17:00.390 What is essential, is the view of individuality developing children. 192 00:17:00.390 --> 00:17:07.070 Hence, there are no performance requirements for a child, but the focus is on the overall 193 00:17:07.070 --> 00:17:10.434 well-being of the child and the child individual learning path. 194 00:17:10.434 --> 00:17:18.940 [♫ music ♫] 195 00:17:18.940 --> 00:17:23.320 (Narrator:) It is widely acknowledged that children learn best, when they can act 196 00:17:23.320 --> 00:17:28.980 within the zone of proximal development, which according to Vygotsky, means that 197 00:17:28.980 --> 00:17:32.708 meaningful education is a step ahead of development, 198 00:17:32.708 --> 00:17:39.600 as it helps new functions to mature and leads to learning new skills. 199 00:17:39.600 --> 00:17:44.800 In practise, the child strengthens and practises ones emerging skills with the help 200 00:17:44.800 --> 00:17:51.210 of a more skilful person who can be either another child or an adult. 201 00:17:51.210 --> 00:17:58.210 Understanding the zone of proximal development in children learning process helps ECEC 202 00:17:58.210 --> 00:18:04.020 teachers to plan differentiated pedagogical activities, so that children can act as 203 00:18:04.020 --> 00:18:09.790 independently as possible, in order to support their autonomy. 204 00:18:09.790 --> 00:18:13.890 It also helps planning group arrangements like dividing children into 205 00:18:13.890 --> 00:18:18.820 proper smaller groups or peers during activities. 206 00:18:18.820 --> 00:18:24.080 Thereby, the teacher can strengthen both skills and knowledge that children have acquired and 207 00:18:24.080 --> 00:18:30.240 expand those to new areas with proper peer support and educators' resources. 208 00:18:30.240 --> 00:18:37.820 The implementation of pedagogical activities is supported through the day, and emotional 209 00:18:37.820 --> 00:18:43.910 security is created by routines and the structure of activities. 210 00:18:43.910 --> 00:18:49.310 In this way, the child feels supported and safe even if the ECEC personnel 211 00:18:49.310 --> 00:18:53.510 in charge of the small group changes during the day. 212 00:18:53.510 --> 00:18:58.450 In principle, the small group size is seen to strengthen the positive 213 00:18:58.450 --> 00:19:02.240 interaction between individuals within the group. 214 00:19:02.240 --> 00:19:07.503 In practise, this means that the whole group of children with the three 215 00:19:07.503 --> 00:19:12.430 ECEC personnel work together for only a part of the day. 216 00:19:12.430 --> 00:19:15.870 The rest of the day is organised in smaller groups. 217 00:19:15.870 --> 00:19:23.350 Group planning is related to many practical issues, such as human resources, working 218 00:19:23.350 --> 00:19:30.880 shifts, facilities, children individual needs and operational goals. 219 00:19:30.880 --> 00:19:38.030 The implementation of small group activities, and how we organise daily transition situations, 220 00:19:38.030 --> 00:19:45.670 forms the foundation for constructing a model of the organisation of ECEC. 221 00:19:45.670 --> 00:19:50.390 Small groups are designed to be pedagogically appropriate. 222 00:19:50.390 --> 00:19:56.930 They can be formed of various sizes, some of the groups can be permanent, or 223 00:19:56.930 --> 00:20:02.590 they can vary depending on the situation and children's needs. 224 00:20:02.590 --> 00:20:06.790 (Narrator:) Well planned pedagogical activities in a group, both among peers 225 00:20:06.790 --> 00:20:12.010 and between adults and children, is a starting point for learning. 226 00:20:12.010 --> 00:20:15.110 The size of the group is very important. 227 00:20:15.110 --> 00:20:20.410 Research has shown that the larger the child groups are, the poorer the socio emotional 228 00:20:20.410 --> 00:20:26.570 support provided by the personnel and the organisation of the activities. 229 00:20:26.570 --> 00:20:31.490 Smaller group settings enabled children to participate more actively as they have more 230 00:20:31.490 --> 00:20:37.160 conversational turns and opportunities to collaborate with each other. 231 00:20:37.160 --> 00:20:42.700 Smaller group sizes and a better adult child ratio, in addition to the focus 232 00:20:42.700 --> 00:20:47.400 on the development of positive social relationships among children, as well as 233 00:20:47.400 --> 00:20:52.860 between children and teachers, are associated with higher social competence, 234 00:20:52.860 --> 00:20:57.450 better peer relations and fewer behaviour problems. 235 00:20:57.450 --> 00:21:02.410 For children, the peer group and the experience of belonging to a group, 236 00:21:02.410 --> 00:21:04.888 are key to the child learning and participation. 237 00:21:04.888 --> 00:21:15.160 [♫ music ♫] 238 00:21:15.160 --> 00:21:20.020 Finish early education highlights, that children's thoughts and opinions should 239 00:21:20.020 --> 00:21:25.140 be listened to and taken into consideration, and that they should have the opportunity 240 00:21:25.140 --> 00:21:28.875 to have a say in matters related to their everyday lives 241 00:21:28.875 --> 00:21:33.379 and to be understood and accepted as they are. 242 00:21:33.380 --> 00:21:37.160 In daily life it is important to acknowledge what opportunities the 243 00:21:37.160 --> 00:21:41.667 child has for decision making and initiatives during the day, 244 00:21:41.667 --> 00:21:45.870 and what situations are directed by the adults. 245 00:21:45.870 --> 00:21:52.950 In other words, pedagogical justifications must be found for such solutions. 246 00:21:52.950 --> 00:21:58.230 In recent decades, following the rise of childhood studies, children's perspectives 247 00:21:58.230 --> 00:22:04.410 on their everyday life, relationships and well-being have gained in importance 248 00:22:04.410 --> 00:22:08.520 and also attracted the attention of researchers. 249 00:22:08.520 --> 00:22:12.680 Listening to children and talking about their experiences 250 00:22:12.680 --> 00:22:16.250 requires sensitive working methods. 251 00:22:16.250 --> 00:22:21.720 There is a range of techniques for listening to young children: drawing, 252 00:22:21.720 --> 00:22:27.320 photographing and art and craft activities are cute methods for children 253 00:22:27.320 --> 00:22:32.620 to express their views, emotions and experiences. 254 00:22:32.620 --> 00:22:38.540 I see the role of art in ECEC in this as significant, since the 255 00:22:38.540 --> 00:22:43.700 opportunities for diverse artistic expressions also promote children, 256 00:22:43.700 --> 00:22:47.300 social skills and positive self-image. 257 00:22:47.300 --> 00:22:51.060 The topics also need to resonate in the world of children 258 00:22:51.060 --> 00:22:54.417 and correspond to their experience base. 259 00:22:54.417 --> 00:23:02.369 [♫ music ♫] 260 00:23:02.370 --> 00:23:07.466 However, children's involvement is not just separate methods designed 261 00:23:07.466 --> 00:23:12.792 by the teacher, nor about adults choosing and using methods 262 00:23:12.792 --> 00:23:17.250 to engage children by collecting their opinions and thoughts. 263 00:23:17.250 --> 00:23:23.730 It can better be described as a socially sustainable culture of participation, which 264 00:23:23.730 --> 00:23:29.490 starts with an open discussion and the cohesion of the whole community. 265 00:23:29.490 --> 00:23:33.130 The philosophy can be translated like this. 266 00:23:33.130 --> 00:23:37.790 The teacher does not just ask questions, but the questions are found 267 00:23:37.790 --> 00:23:42.470 together, and the answers are sought together. 268 00:23:42.470 --> 00:23:48.417 When children are invited to participate, it should, for ethical reasons, be ensured, 269 00:23:48.417 --> 00:23:54.900 that hearing children and acting with them lead their views being taken 270 00:23:54.900 --> 00:24:00.460 seriously and where possible to practical measures. 271 00:24:00.460 --> 00:24:05.680 Experiencing one's own activities as meaningful, is one of the 272 00:24:05.680 --> 00:24:10.150 most important cornerstones of learning motivation. 273 00:24:10.150 --> 00:24:17.170 As educators or pedagogical choices influence what kind of reality and society 274 00:24:17.170 --> 00:24:24.170 we create, it is crucial that children feel that their opinions and participation 275 00:24:24.170 --> 00:24:29.250 have a real impact on what is important to them. 276 00:24:29.250 --> 00:24:33.050 (Narrator:) All children are entitled to gain experiences of success 277 00:24:33.050 --> 00:24:38.250 and joy in their actions and of themselves as learners. 278 00:24:38.250 --> 00:24:42.550 It is the adult's responsibility to, together with the children, create a 279 00:24:42.550 --> 00:24:47.970 safe atmosphere for group discussions that support the participation of all 280 00:24:47.970 --> 00:24:52.700 those who are present, adults as well as children. 281 00:24:52.700 --> 00:24:55.940 Balanced interaction requires reciprocity. 282 00:24:55.940 --> 00:25:01.530 Children need to feel that they are appreciated, accepted and competent. 283 00:25:01.530 --> 00:25:06.570 In practise, this means that step-by-step the personnel are challenged to distance 284 00:25:06.570 --> 00:25:12.000 themselves from leading the discussion and evaluating the responses. 285 00:25:12.000 --> 00:25:16.260 They must give space for the children knowledge and support 286 00:25:16.260 --> 00:25:19.640 the construction of knowledge within the group. 287 00:25:19.640 --> 00:25:24.800 Dialogical interaction also has an evidence-based link to the development 288 00:25:24.800 --> 00:25:29.640 of children thinking, and self-expression skills, and identity and to 289 00:25:29.640 --> 00:25:33.460 better learning outcomes in basic education. 290 00:25:33.460 --> 00:25:37.800 It's worth investing in such a positive learning experience. 291 00:25:37.800 --> 00:25:42.710 High quality pedagogical work in many ways positively influences the development 292 00:25:42.710 --> 00:25:47.710 of children and reduces the likelihood of subsequent problems. 293 00:25:47.710 --> 00:25:53.030 It can make a significant contribution to children as well-being not only in early 294 00:25:53.030 --> 00:25:57.987 education and school, but also later in work and family life. 295 00:25:57.987 --> 00:26:06.970 [♫ music ♫] 296 00:26:06.970 --> 00:26:13.080 In the spirit of the value base of early education, evaluation focuses on evaluation at the 297 00:26:13.080 --> 00:26:22.270 national level, the local level, and self-evaluation in ECEC centres at the level of pedagogical activities, 298 00:26:22.270 --> 00:26:26.310 but not on children learning outcomes. 299 00:26:26.310 --> 00:26:30.610 The aim of such evaluation is to support the well-being, development, 300 00:26:30.610 --> 00:26:35.480 and learning of each child and the whole child group. 301 00:26:35.480 --> 00:26:39.060 The main goal therefore in assessment is to support the 302 00:26:39.060 --> 00:26:43.560 planning and implementation of practises. 303 00:26:43.560 --> 00:26:48.840 For instance, when learning mathematical skills, the ECEC teachers provide suitable 304 00:26:48.840 --> 00:26:54.420 pedagogical activities that strengthened and enhanced children, developing mathematical 305 00:26:54.420 --> 00:27:00.540 skills based on their educational knowledge of the skills development, observations 306 00:27:00.540 --> 00:27:05.270 of the child group and individual children. 307 00:27:05.270 --> 00:27:09.830 During the activities, teachers assess the implementation by comparing 308 00:27:09.830 --> 00:27:15.140 children performance to existing knowledge of their skills. 309 00:27:15.140 --> 00:27:19.167 This is done to plan further activities age-appropriately, 310 00:27:19.199 --> 00:27:23.542 and according to existing or emerging skills of children. 311 00:27:23.542 --> 00:27:28.000 ECEC teachers need to understand how children 312 00:27:28.000 --> 00:27:35.410 develop their skills to be able to guide learning appropriately according to individual needs. 313 00:27:35.410 --> 00:27:39.470 This is also reflected in the assessment, as such understanding 314 00:27:39.470 --> 00:27:43.860 guides monitoring children development and learning. 315 00:27:43.860 --> 00:27:49.620 Furthermore, such awareness guides ECEC personnel to plan and implement 316 00:27:49.620 --> 00:27:55.040 purposeful and holistic learning experiences, yet meaningful and relevant 317 00:27:55.040 --> 00:27:59.430 pedagogy leads to the best learning outcomes. 318 00:27:59.430 --> 00:28:05.770 By letting a child access his or her own skills and activities, their teacher receives 319 00:28:05.770 --> 00:28:10.810 valuable feedback on how to develop education and teaching. 320 00:28:10.810 --> 00:28:18.230 Pedagogical documentation like portfolios, notes, videos, photographs and children's art 321 00:28:18.230 --> 00:28:23.967 and stories are valuable tools for collecting information for assessment. 322 00:28:25.591 --> 00:28:28.583 [♫ music ♫] 323 00:28:37.183 --> 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